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A Tizek

Can’t Spell His Name

Narrator, Father, Daughter/Slaughter, King Edward, Greifenstein, Dzsémsz Bond, Queen (=Daughter), Shouting guy

Roles: Narrator: Kiss Viktória, Daughter: Kassai Ágnes, King: Liu Dan, CSHN (cant spell his name): Greifenstein Jakab, DZSB: Bárány Ágnes, Queen: Börzsei Linda, Father: Polyák Attila, and the chorus: Balázs Mónika, Pénzes Noémi and Bándi Gábor.

Narrator:              Edward king, British king,
On the pale horse lovagling;
But Wales is so far away,
So Edward have to stay.

Montgomery is the name of the town,
Where he first sat down,
He is the lord of the fort,
So he drank a very much bort.

And in this nice, peaceful town,
A proud father settled down;
This proud father had a daughter,
Who exactly was a slaughter.

And this father said that his daughter,
Who exactly was a slaughter
Is very clever, nice, bla, bla,
So he the egekbe magasztalta.

Father:                  She can kill like a fish,
She can kill like a bird.
She can kill anything.
Yes, she can.

Narrator:              No, she is a nőstény.

Father:                  She can destroy a cake.
                               She can destroy the pék.
                               She can destroy anything.
                               Yes, she can.
                               And she can turn money into gold!

Chorus:                 What? What did you say?

Father:                  She can turn money into gold.

Chorus:                  Hú.
 Did you hear that?
 We have to tell it to the king.
 Turn money into gold!
 There’ll be a nagy bolt!
 Turn money into gold!
 We must tell the king!
 We must tell the king!
 What a nagy bolt!
 Bigger than as on the Ecseri piac volt!

Narrator:              When the king heard that there was a girl,
 Who is able to turn money into gold,
And she is not fat and not bold,
He sent for the father immediately,
Who actually  worked in the factory.

King:                       I heard you have a daughter,
Who is a genious slaughter.

Father:                  Yeah, I do. A wonderful creature.

King:                       I heard many things about her.
She can kill very unusual things,
For example tanks and goblins.

Father:                  Yes, she can do a lot of things,
Not only big fish-killings,

King:                      Bla, bla, bla! I’ve heard these things,
But I’m interested in financial things.
I heard she can turn money into gold,
And she is not bold!

Father:                  Ummmm……ahhh…..

King:                      Well???

Father:                  Ummumummmummu.

King:                      Does she or doesn’t she?

Father:                  Ummm…yeahhhh….ahhh….

King:                      Is it really true?
Not just a big kamu?
Can she do such a thing?
From 1HUF she makes a ring?

Father:                  Yes, of course, it is true,
Not just a poor man’s kamu.
Of course, she can.

Narrator:              Hey, she is not a can! She is a human!

King:                      Then bring her here,
You have nothing to fear,
If she is not bold,
And can turn money into gold.
But if not ….

Narrator:              And so the father went home, and drink a lot,
Told his daughter that the king is a rot,
And he wants her to meet with Edward,
Before of that rude bard.

Daughter:             The king, the king?
He wants to meet me?
Without fee, for free?
Why? Why?
I’m so-so shy…

Father:                  He wants to hear your sing,
Or steal your ring,
Or something like that,
But I hope he don’t want to do something bad.

Daughter:             What? Me? Sing?
Sing for the king?
How can I sing for the king?
OK, he can take my ring,
But only if he pays at least…let me see…
Maybe 240.

Chorus:                 240 is big money,
You know it too, honey;
So you have to sing, sing,
Or just turn 1HUF into a golden ring.

Father:                  Just go, my dear,
Do not fear;
Go and sing for the king!

Narrator:              And so the father took his daughter to the king,
Who of course didn’t want her to sing.

King:                      So this is the creature,
Which has the turn-into-gold feature!

Daughter:             Turn-into-gold-feature-creature?
Hogy vinne el a reaper!
I can sing only,
For 240.

King:                      Ha, ha, good joke! Funny,
Turn money into gold! NOW!
Do it, I don’t mean how!

Chorus:                 Tell him, father, tell him, please,
                               That she can’t do that!

Father:                  Do the best you can, my child,
I know you dreamt about something wild;
Here is it: do, or die!
Is it clear, Hi!

Chorus:                 Sadist! Die, you sadist guy! Why didn’t you say that?! ********!

Narrator:              So the king took the girl to a dark, wet room,
What was the Room of Endless Doom.

King:                      Here is 1HUF! If you can turn it into seven tons of gold,
Before you become bold,
You’ll be my –ONLY MY- slave,
If not, you’ll wake up in your grave!

Chorus:                 If you can’t, you’ll die,
God say. Hello, hi!
You will die, you will die,
If you just cry!

Daughter:             I can’t do this,
And I have to piss,
So I’ll die, I’m happy,
And I don’t have my teddy,
So I’m very happy,
I’ll die because of Daddy!

Chorus:                 Hey, God or Satan or Allah or Buddha,
                               This event is very-very durva,
                               So help this young girl!

Narrator:              The girl sat down and started to cry,
I don’t know why.
But them a superhero creature came,
I can’t spell his name
It weared super-silver super-clothes,
And had eight cars and ten boats.
So he wasn’t a very poor man,
He was with five yeas over ten.
He wanted to help.

CSHN:                     Hi! Don’t cry!

Daughter:             What? Who the hell are you?

CSHN:                     It doesn’t matter who I am.
I can’t spell my own nevem.
But who is this sad young lady?
Maybe you don’t have a baby?

Daughter:             I’m just a simple peasantness,
And I don’t have a baby, yes.
But I have to turn a HUF into gold,
Before I become bold!

CSHN:                     Why?

Daughter:             The king said that!

CSHN:                     I see. I can do it,
If you can pay me the cost of two packet mirelit.

Daughter:             No money, no work, sou say?
And what about my necklace, hey?!

CSHN:                     OK, that’s enough.

Narrator:              And he took the necklace,
Put a smile on his face,
And turned the money into gold,
Before the girl became bold.

King:                      Hey, you did it! Haha! Today you’ll do it again!

Daughter:             Noooooooooooooooooo!

Chorus:                 Ha, ha, ha, ha! You’ll die, you’ll die!

Narrator:              So the king left her in the room and a credit card too.
                               And of course, unspellablenamed came again.

CSHN:                     Don’t cry again! I saw you’ve go a ring…
                               You need my help, or the king…

Daughter:             Ok, take it.
But then let’s make it!

Narrator:              And he took the ring,
And did the thing.
Then the king came in…

King:                      You did it again! Wonder!
From now on, you are not a slaughter!
You’re my wife, the queen!
But you have to do it once more!
There’s an empty corner of the store…

Chorus:                 Ha, ha, ha! The king will kill you! He will torn out your backbone!
You’ll die! Ha, ha!

Daughter:             Come out, come out,
Little creature,
With that turn-into-gold feature!

CSHN:                     I heard you’ll be the queen, my dear.
But do not fear!
I do the job for you again, but of course it’ll be a bit expensive.
Inflation, you know…

Daughter:             I’ve given you everything what I had. But I can pay when I’ll be the queen! I give  you anything what you want!

CSHN:                     OK! Then give me your firstborn child. You said you don’t have any. But I know you’ll have.

Daughter:             No! Just not my child!

CSHN:                     Then hello! I leave you here alone, and then the king will kill you!

Chorus:                 Kill you! Destroy you! Torch you! Torn out your backbone! Eat yor eyes! Taste your brain! Cut off your head! Have a bath in your blood!

Daughter:             No! Don’t go away! I need your help! OK, your firstborn child will be yours!

Narrator:              The unspellablenamed sat down and did the work.
The girl became very happy. She became the queen.
But 9 months later the first child was born,
And the superguy came for it.

CSHN:                     Hey! I want the child! It is MINE! ONLY MINE!

Queen:                  Noooo! He is not yours! Don’t take it away please! Pleasepleaseplease! It needs a mother and…

CSHN:                     SHUT UP! You had promised it,
                               Before I’ve done my bit!

Narrator:              The queen said 4-letter words.

CSHN:                     OK. I see you are headstrong.
But I’m not very cruel! I offer you a game.
If –in 3 days time- you will know my name,
You can keep this loud creature.
If not, I’ll be the father of its or his or her!

Queen:                  But wait! How can I guess your name?
I don’t like this game!
I don’t know anything about you!
I can’t guess who are you!

CSHN:                     You have 3 days to guess. See you soon!

Narrator:              The unspellablenamed guy went away,
On this beautiful day of May.
And the queen started to write a list of names,
Which can be used for these nasty games.

Queen:                  Jani, Pista, Béla, Lajos, Gerzson, Pákó, Zoli, Adrián, Aurél….

Chorus:                  In 3 days,
You have to find out at least 2000 names.
Good luck!
Or you’ll have a big suck!
Queen: Jocó, Laca, Miska, Terry, Feró…

Narrator:              On the dark evening of the second day,
After a beautiful sunny day of May
Unspellablenamed came.

CSHN:                     You have a clue. The third letter of my name is E.

Queen:                   E? Cseresznye, krematórium, szeletelőkés, kreppapír….are these OK?

CSHN:                     No!

Chorus:                 Ha, ha, ha! Die, die, die!

Narrator:              Then the unspellablenamed went away.
On a beautiful day butterflies flight around nice, colorful flowers.
On this beautiful day, an agent of the queen arraived.

Agent:                   Agent 007. I’ve got information about the baby-stealer.

Queen:                  Yes? Wassup?

Agent:                   I was deep in Kiserdő. I saw a lot of homeless people, and….

Queen:                  Bla, bla. And what about the name?

Agent:                   … and there was a house too. In it a guy, called Greifenstein lived. And in front of the house a guy stood in silver clothes. I thought you’re searching this guy. I set a fire on the roof of his wooden hut.

Queen:                  Nice work, agent Bond. Thank you. The king has got another mission for you, let’s visit him.

Chorus:                 Mission completed!

Narrator               Greifenstein, Greifenstein , Greifenstein , Greifenstein …Over and over and over again. Greifenstein…

Chorus:                 Greifenstein Greifenstein Greifenstein Greifenstein Greifenstein!!

Queen:                  That’s it! That’s him!

CSHN:                     Today is the Day!
13th of May!
Tomorrow, I’ll take the baby,
And eat it quickly!
First, I’ll taste it’s brain, then the leg.
Then it’s nice, childish head.

Queen:                  Greifenstein is his name! Loser guy!

Narrator:              And the queen returned to the palace, and waited.

Chorus:                 Oh….she won’t die….cheater! Cheater!

CSHN:                    Your time is up.
Give me the child, and you won’t see me again!
Or you have guessed my name?

Queen:                  Guessed your name?
Maybe you win the game….

CSHN:                     Of course there are a lot of name which’s third letter is E.
But here is another clue: the last letter is N.

Chorus:                 E, N…. Greifenstein!

Queen:                  …but maybe I win it.
Your name is Greifenstein!  Am I right?

Chorus:                 No, you’re a communist!

CSHN:                     What?! Cheater!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Queen:                  Goodbye, silverclothed goblin! See you never again!

Chorus:                 Ha, ha! Stupid unspellablenamed! You didn’t change your name! Ha, ha! Looser!!

Narrator:              This is the end of our story. Greifenstein commited a suicide, the queen and the  king lived happily until the germans bombed their castle, the father died because of alcohol.

Edward king, British king,
He didn’t want to hear the girl’s sing:
He was the richest man of the world,
But there was a big, green bird,
What we call B-17 bomber,
What crossed England’s border,
And destroyed him.

a sok pancsi...:D
Indulás: 2004-11-18

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