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A Tizek
Alternatív szótár II


kivan a bele very exhausted note literal meaning: his bowels are out
kopasz: new recruit, rookie soldier note Noun. Military slang. original meaning: bald (adjective) Used also figuratively: 'Olyan kopasz vagy' means you're such a beginner
kricsmi: pub note pronunc. kritshmi
kuki (noun) penis note penis of a child
kurva whore note Quite offensive! Much worse than in (American) English. Absolutely the worst expression: "A kurva anyádat" (Your mother is a whore). Deadly. Don't use it unless you a have an Uzi cocked and ready to fire.
kurva'k fasza't! whores' dick note {interjection} mainly used by youth, humorous because of the paradox, usage similar to the English 'fuck' or 'hell', 'Mi a kurva'k fasza't keresel itt?!' 'What the hell/fuck are you doing here?!'
Kurvák vére folyjon patakokban! The blood of whores should flood. note Quite old expression.
kuss shut up note A rude expression used when someone is really pissed off. Pronunciation: koosh


lé: money, dough note Non-count noun. Literally means 'juice'.
lebaszni valakit to scold sy heavily note Transitive verb. A typical sentence: 'Úgy lebasztak, mint a pengõs malacot' literally means I was scolded like a pig bought for a pengõ (old Hungarian currency unit)
lepedõ (noun) one thousand note Chiefly denotes monetary unit. Lit.: bedsheet
lófasz horse dick note Noun. Used regularly to describe something insignificant or non-existent. Usually denotes recieving (lófaszt se kaptunk=we didn't get anything)
lófasz a seggedbe A horse's dick up your ass note Sometimes used humorously, IF the folks "exchanging" it are friends! Otherwise very offensive.
lo'fasz a seggedbe! (phrase) horse's prick into your ass! note This is one of the most popular Hungarian curses, considered rather strong. It has a very interesting history. In this form the phrase is meaningless, but had a meaning about 400 years ago. As well known, Hungary was under Turkish occupation for 150 years (from 1526 to 1686).Well, the most frequent Turkish torturing/execution method was impaling. The Turkish word for "stake" was "lopat", a word, alas, too well known for contemporary Hungarians, but not known nowadays. Thus some 400 years ago, a Hungarian, wishing something very bad to his neighbor, said; "lopat a seggedbe" (i.e. a stake in your ass). The unknown word "lopat" was replaced later by "lo'fasz" (horse's prick), a word of almost identical pronounciation.
lónyál (noun) (fruit or other) juice, soft drink___ note A funny word. Literally it means "Horse spit"
lóvé: money note Non-count noun. Originally a gypsy word. 'Tele van lóvéval' means he is loaded with money.


marha (noun) stupid, not very intelligent note bovine, cattle, Az egy nagy marha.
mazsola: beginner car driver (lit. raisin) note Not a rude word but don't use it to describe someone whom you like. 'zs' is pronpunced as 'zh'
megbuhera'lni: to tamper with (verb tr.) note If someone of little technical knowledge tampers with an electric appliance, we use this transitive verb.
megdöglik, (verb) to die, vulg.: to kick the bucket or to kiss the dust note it is rather strong when used in context with persons we know, but normal when used for animals. Example in context: -Te geciláda! Ideje, hogy megdögölj. Hey scumbag! It is really high time for you to kiss the dust. -Manci néni lova megdöglött. Elég vén volt. Nun Manci´s horse kissed the dust. It was rather old. -Dögölj meg! Kiss the dust! One means the other should go to hell. One is very angry with the other.
megfújni (transitive vb) to steal note Literally: to blow.
meló: work note Non-count noun. Can be used as a verb as well (melózni).
menj a halál faszára (exp.) go to hell note Literally: To send sy onto Death's Penis.
menj a picsába! (expression of dismissal) go to hell note Very rude. Also used as
mintha élnél! (expression) hurry up note This expr. literaly means


nyald ki a seggem (expression) kiss my ass note Explains itself. Literally: lick my ass.
nyald ki a seggem (expression) note short form: nyasgem


öreg (katona) an old, experienced soldier note Military slang. Refers to a solder who spends his second term of his military service. Appears in the following expressions: öreg harcsa (old catfish, ie. old soldier), öreg rozmár (old walrus, same meaning), öreg csocsi, öreg csocsesz (not translatable)


Paksi mogyoró pieces of excrement stuck to one's anus note Humorous expression, not too widespread, in fact, very few people know it. You can be qoite funny using it. Etymology: literally means 'hazelnut from Paks', Paks being a little Hungarian town.
picsa Cunt note VERY offensive, unless used among friends or qualified by "kis" as in "kis picsa" (little cunt) which may refer endearingly to a little girl. No pederasty is implied. See slavic languages "pizhda" or "pitchka"
pilács lamp, light note Noun, count. Pronunc. peelahtch
Pina: vagina, pussy note Not very derogatory, but I wouldn't use it in a Biology class.
plecsni (count noun) medal, badge note Something you get for some outstanding performance.
pofa be shut up note A rude expression used when someone is quite angry
pofátlan (noun or adj) impudent note Refers to a most annoying person. Liteally this word means 'faceless'.
pöcs (noun) penis note Used in figurative meaning, too: a contemptible person.
pufajkás (adj.) person wearing an overcoat note Persons, who have been serving the communist regime. In 1956 the secret policemen weared the same type of coat when shutting people.
puhapöcs (adjective) softdick note Often used for people who suck. Possibly impotent for girls & parties.
punci (noun) pussy note A playful name of vagina. Also means girl. Helyes kis punci.


re'pakocka (noun) vomit note Literally: "cubes of carrot"; meaning based on similarity, and the popular observation that vomits tend to contain this stuff, whatever the previous meal might have been. Pronunciation: /'repakotska/
ringyo' (noun) bitch
rizsa (noun) idle talk note Pronunc. reezha Literally: rice. Verb: rizsálni.
ro'ka'zni to throw up, vomit note intr. verb.


saller (count noun) a slap in the face note Pronunc.:
segg (n) 1. ass/arse 2. female genitalia note The second meaning is less common.
seggfej: asshole note The word "seggfej" literally could be translated as: "asshead" I found the English "asshole" as a word with close meaning.
seggszelep-lehellet (noun) fart note A humorous word. It is used because the vowels in it are the same. Literally: the the sigh of the valve of your ass
sikamika (noun) the act of cleaning, scrubbing note Pronounced as 'sheekomiko'
sitt (non-count noun) prison,jail note Prunun.
smárolni (verb, tr and inrt) to kiss note Long and passionately. Comes from german "schmieren" (=rub)
spila'zni (verb) to go fast note Also used as a noun: "Spila van!", "Time to hit the road!"
stírölni (trans. and intrans. verb) to stare at note A word often used in the translation of the Catcher in the Rye, henceforth widespread.
suli (noun) school note Pronunc. "shooli". Comes from german "Schule" (=shcool)
sunnyogni (verb) to walk, act stealthily note When sy's up to sg bad, this word is often used. The right pronunciation is 'shoonnyognee'
szar shit note Meaning differs from its English eqivalent. Though it literally means 'shit' Hungarian people use it to describe something of bad quality. E.g. 'Az egész úgy szar, ahogy van' = It's not worth a piece of shit. Van egy tök szar autóm = I have a really bad car.
szar ügy! (expression) Shit happens (exp. of sympathy) note Used when sg unpleasant happens to sb you know. Do not overuse it, though...
szarfaszú shit-dicked note Adjective. Refers to a unpleasant, annoying person. Often used in the form of "szarfaszú állat" (shit-dicked animal or fucking asshole in common English).
szarok bele I don't care note Literally: I shit in it (I don't give a damn)
szellemi rövidnadrágos (expression) stupid note This is a living example of the richness of the Hungarian language. The expression literally means 'mental shorts' (check 'agyilag zokni'). It's hard to explain why people compare sy's mental capacity to a pair of shorts, but it's funny, isn't it?
szófosás (noun) idle talk, chatter note Literally
szopo'ssza'ju' (adjective) 1.girl with special,erotic lips 2. An annoying person. note 1. Used as comment on horny girls. 2. A disliked man.
szövegláda (count noun) talkative person, chatterbox note This word is the direct translation of chatterbox.
szunyálni: to have a nap note Intransitive verb. 'Na, szunyálok egyet.' Well, I'm having a nap.


taknyos (noun, adj) little child note Literally: snotty. Refers to the immature state of sy.
tele van a hócipõje (exp) (be) fed up note The literal meaning of this expression is 'his/her snowshoes are full of it'. A poular satirical magazine has borrowed its name from it (Hócipõ).
tök: very, absolutely note Adjective. Very common, though not acceptable in a scientific debate. 'Tök jó' means very good, cool.
tök testicle(s) note Noun. Used in singular or plural forms. 'Tökön rúg' means to kick sy in the balls. 'Lecsavarom a tököd(et)/tökeid(et)'=I'll rip your balls off
tre': unpleasant, bad note adjective
trotyli (noun) an old, mad person note it refers to a very old man who is so old that he is mad. Comes from german "Trottel"


ülgyûrûfütty (noun) fart note A humorous word. It is used because the consonants in it are the same. Literally: the whistle of the ring you are sitting on


valag arse. A very crude word for arse. note For example 'lofasz a valagadba' -- a horse's dick in your ass -- is worse than 'seggedbe' (also arse, though milder)


zsaru: policeman, cop note Noun. Count. Pronunc. zharoo. Comes from french (german) "gendarm", largely deformed.
a sok pancsi...:D
Indulás: 2004-11-18

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